For the majority of the West Coast, mild winters are what we typically expect to see, but even with mild winters taking a few steps to prepare your equipment for working in cold weather is a good idea and can prevent unnecessary breakdowns. Our Ditch Witch equipment experts have put together some helpful tips to help you properly winterize your Ditch Witch equipment.
Use The Right Teeth
In hard, deep frost conditions, alligator tooth chains and weld-on shark tooth chains are the best choice. These types of chains can break through frozen ground the same way they break through hard rock. In softer frost conditions, a combo chain will work best.
Have Back-Ups
When working in cold conditions, you can expect your trencher teeth to wear faster. Check their condition at least twice a day and be prepared with back up chains in case you need to swap them out.
Warm Up Prior to Operating
Allow your trencher a few minutes to warm up before you start trenching. This enables the hydraulics and oils to get warm before you put the machine to work and can prevent costly repairs. Half throttle the engine and engage the trencher for 10-15 seconds before assuming regular operation.
Regular Maintenance
Grease all moving components, monitor fluid levels, maintain your battery – these tips are not specific to cold weather and should be done at regular intervals, but they are especially important in cold conditions where your equipment is working harder.
With these pro tips, you can keep your trencher running all winter long and keep business going. When you need Ditch Witch trencher teeth replacements or Ditch Witch service, count on the dedicated team at your local Ditch Witch West dealership in Washington, Oregon, Montana, or California.